It seems that the legal battles between Apple and Samsung over patents do not expire , but in order to start all over again , new phases will be a legal battle between the two titans of the digital world of Apple , claiming that this time will be prompted Samsung to compensate somewhat strange and unexpected .

A few days after the judgment against Samsung in favor of Apple's worth the huge estimated at 930 million dollars , while the court rejected the request Apple to stop marketing products Samsung inside U.S. territory and is pushing Apple to take another turn where Statzm American company filed a lawsuit new 31 of this month with the aim of forcing Samsung to pay $ 40 dollars for every device it sells and includes patents Apple says they own and violated by the Korean company .

It is the rules of the new trial , the court will only accept a lawsuit involving a limited set of patents , which accuses Apple Samsung violated , in order to facilitate the task of the court , including the patented a special technique to pass the fingers on the screen in order to open the lock screen and patented a special managing asynchronous data .

The plan of the new judicial Apple's innovative and designed to be more like sharing profits with Samsung , waiting for the beginning phases of the trial after a few days from now .


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