After the launch of a platform for video games is ( and Xbox ) months ago, many expected that the American company Microsoft launched a portable platform video games to satisfy their audience, but it seems that the company does not think about it .
Although competitors in the field of video games platforms are interested in the field of portable gaming platforms whether it Bennintendo and platform as well as the Nintendo 3DS or Sony PS Vita and its platform , but that Microsoft does not carry the same approach in this area .
New Director-General of the unity (Xbox ) inside Microsoft Corp. ( Phil Spencer ) In an interview , denied the company's intention to launch platform portable video games and is the exile who has by company officials for a long time , despite the fact that many of the fans sign (Xbox ) wish if the company is eagerly follow the lead of Sony and Nintendo .
This denial finds its explanation in the desire of Microsoft Corporation in the development of the system ( Windows Phone ) to make it portable gaming platform , especially smartphones and tablet devices .
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