Operating company specializing in the treatment of hearing impairment devices to develop new applications for smart phones to increase the sound on assistive devices or devices to convert those headphones to make phone calls and watch video recordings and musical material on the Internet site YouTube .

Nearly 36 million Americans from hearing problems , according to data from the National Institute on Deafness but only about a fifth of those who may benefit them assistive devices they use.

Said Lars Vksmwen president of LG . Risawnd The Danish manufacturer of hearing devices dysfunction treatment over the phone , told Reuters: " People need to always aids good to hear, but what distinguishes between the companies is the ability to be used with smart phones they also need applications . "

And prevents new free application named Risawnd Smart devices dedicated to iPhone and remedies hearing to head phones and allows users to adjust the basic settings on their devices , audio remote and stores settings specific to certain places .

Said Laurel Christensen official sector audiologist company " Suppose you're in a place frequented by all the time , such as a coffee shop. Adjustments can be made to the Assistant remembers your settings for this place every time you go to him . "

The company produces and aids for the hearing called by the name of Risawnd Linux The cost per $ 6,000 of which some can be used with your iPhone or without him.

There are other applications connecting means hearing aids with smart phones , but through an intermediary device .


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