Despite technological advances, the massive reached computers, smart phones and the great potential it provides to its users, but that the battery remains the biggest problems that can face them, especially because they do not hold up for more than 4 hours in computers for a better battery, and it can not last for more of the day in the case of smart phones.

He revealed technical computer that there are several misconceptions are common regarding the batteries of smart phones, including the idea of ​​the need to discharge the battery completely before recharging, and pointed out that this method be useful with Batteries "nickel" which were used in machines of previous generations, but the batteries smartphones Current batteries are "Lithium" does not affect them this problem, whether the battery discharge to the end or not.

And He added a lot of users are afraid continued connect the battery charger after the battery is fully charged in order not to damage, but that this has no effect also on lithium batteries, which consist of circles internal prevent the arrival of electricity to the battery when charging is complete, but at the same time may lead to the high temperature of the device so it is preferable to be separated after the end of the shipping so as not to affect the high-temperature battery life.

The technical computer that must of wanted to get faster recharging battery smartphone that closes the phone, or to put him on a flight mode, because the network consumes a great deal of energy, but those who wish to save battery life and storage must be shipped by 50 % then put it in a place where the average cold.


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